Friday, September 27, 2019

Causes and Consequences of high Staff Turnover Levels in the Retail Essay

Causes and Consequences of high Staff Turnover Levels in the Retail Industry - Essay Example where this phenomenon is clearer, but the fact is that the high staff turnover level has become a common problem in most organizations while the efforts made should be characterized as rather inadequate. Specifically for the retail sector, the high staff turnover level can be explained by the severe turbulences that characterize the relevant market, which can lead to a series of negative outcomes for the companies that operate in this area. In this context, high staff turnover level in the retail sector should be regarded as an expected outcome if taking into account the series of problems of the specific industry which are being represented mostly by several failures regarding the initiatives and the decisions made by the companies’ human resources department. The particular topic has been chosen because of its importance in the operation of commercial markets internationally. More specifically, staff turnover has been found to be related with the business performance (as it will be analyzed in the sections that follow). From this view, staff turnover can also influence the performance of a whole industrial sector in case that the phenomenon is expanded to many firms of a specific sector or just to one which is considered to be the ‘indicator of stability’ in its market. Furthermore, the particular topic has been chosen because of its importance for the employees in the various industries of modern commercial markets. The main objective of current dissertation is the examination of the factors that influence the staff turnover in the retail industry as well as the parameters that can lead to an increase of the turnover in the long term. On the other hand, the consequences of the high staff turnover in the retail industry are also being examined in order to formulate secure results regarding the appearance and the development of the relevant phenomenon in modern commercial markets. It has to be noticed that current paper examines a variety of issues related

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